Virtually relax at the pub!

Enjoy this virtual tour of the Severed Arms and the Manager’s Office. More 360’s on their way soon!

New trailer

The newest trailer for The Twilight Ballrooms offers an intriguing glimpse into the unfolding storyline, hinting at the shadowy forces shaping its mysterious world.

Sneaky peek

For the 20th anniversary of this website, I’m pleased to give you a sneaky peek from the Twilight Ballrooms (or at least the pub near the Twilight)

Synthwave III

My latest project using entirely original music and graphics.

Wireframe and why!

Working with a computer animated set can put a lot of strain on your computer. But there are workarounds.

Quick tip for keying

How to key out just the green screen and not the character. Top tip!

Wits End Archive

Unearthed archive footage of Wits End from 1979

The Planets

My first co-production with my (7 year old) son.

Tranquility Showreel

“Tunnels & Spheres” – This year’s showreel, much of it courtesy of a lockdown and extra time on my hands. Everything here is by moi, including the music!

Moving clouds tutorial

A rare glimpse behind the scenes with a top tip for those doing post production on a budget!

Movie Diary ep8

A demonstration on the wonders of stabilising footage from handheld cameras using motion tracking.

When baking goes wrong

Forget the Great British Bake Off – when you’re rendering goes wrong during the bake you get more than deflated soufflés.

Doris Kepelwick

A bit of casting today – of the virtual kind.

Stay Indoors: A Message from Twilight Ballrooms

An important message from the Twilight Ballrooms – released at the start of lockdown.

Virtual studio

The benefits of shooting in a virtual set.

The Tripods

My tribute to cult scifi classic The Tripods.

Old door to Ballrooms

Flashback to the original Twilight Ballrooms model

Doctor Whittaker

An adventure in Time and Space!

More exterior shots

The history and evolution of the Twilight Ballrooms. Another exciting episode from the movie diary

Its hour will come…

Things may seem shut down and deserted round here….

Four Men in a Pub – Twilight Movie Diary

Why I decided to play almost ALL the parts myself in a virtual enviroment.

Doctor Who time tunnel

My first attempt at a Doctor Who time tunnel

Solar Flares

My effort from the latest tutorial from Video Copilot.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from Tranquility Base Presents, plus a video of my day trip to my favourite spooky film location!

Time Flies!

Anyone who doesn’t know, my flat is undergoing extensive repairs since a flood last November… and yes, it’s STILL going on. So I’ve been quite preoccupied with that on what feels like a full-time basis. I’ve also been doing lots of web-design favours for friends. So what I’m saying is basically it’s been a while …

The Devil’s in the detail

Have completed this 3d model as part of the local village store. The sweet wrapper images were a real bonus and are courtesy of Jason Liebig from Flickr! Many thanks Jason. The actual model may well end up as a blur in the background, but that would still be the case if I were dressing …


So the last few weeks have been a mixture of different Twilight related projects. Lots of 3d drawing, notably the top of the Twilight tower which has now been added to the Ballrooms. I have also been designing numerous posters from the Twilight’s history. I did something similar to decorate the set when we took …

Softbox lighting

Bought 2x85W softbox lights and stands to use with my green screen from Amazon. There is a slight problem with fluorescent flicker but at the moment I’m putting that down to having a cheapo camera. It’s not too much of a problem at the moment anyhow as you can see in this demo below. The …

Blowin in the Wind

Had a little learn and play with the Daylight System in 3ds-Max today. Made a little weathervane from scratch to render in it that I imagine would probably sit well aloft the Twilight Ballrooms main tower. Maybe we’ll see this shot again someday in such a context, though hopefully less plain looking (Come on, I …

The Ballrooms

In working on the new Twilight website, the topography of the Twilight had to be devised. Here is an early blueprint of the front structure of the building.

Stop press…

Exciting news about this show wot I wrote