More AI – Stable Diffusion

Another look at an AI generator. This time it’s the turn of Stable Diffusion.

Quick tip for keying

How to key out just the green screen and not the character. Top tip!


Ever wondered how to isolate vocals from the music and vice-versa?

Solar Flares

My effort from the latest tutorial from Video Copilot.

Twilight Movie Diary – E05

Recently got into a new site called Pinterest.

Uli Meyer Studios

Today I had the privilege of being given a personal tour round the animation studios of Uli Meyer, a local based artist here in Camden Town. He has worked with big animation companies such as Warner Brothers, Touchstone, Disney & Universal to name a few. But it is his collaborative work with the late Ronald …

Vanishing Point

Experimented today with something called “Vanishing Point”. There is much you can do with this Photoshop filter which helps you edit a 2d photo in a 3d environment. One of the cool things is when you export it to After Effects. (Check out this tutorial from Andrew Kramer) By moving the virtual camera in the …

Greyscale Gorilla & C4 Cafe

A blog worthy of mention, Greyscale Gorilla This one covers all my favourite subjects on Post Production, namely After Effects, Cinema 4d, Photoshop and others. Some great video tutorials (video tutorials are always the best) and a competition called the 5 Second Project which is very entertaining, check out the superb entries, inspiring stuff. All …

Photoshop tutorials

This year I hope to be able to incorporate mattes into my videos, especially with the Twilight project. For this I realise I will need to swot up on Photoshop and what it can do. There are plenty of good sites such as psdtut+ which I’ve mentioned before on this blog. Here is another. Nothing …

Creative Cow

This website is worth checking out. Click for more info

Free CG software – Blender

Have you ever wanted to create your own CGI graphics but thought it out of your price range and ability? Think again. Ever heard of Blender? What?! It’s been round for years, c’mon! Check out the website. Basically, its open source software which means its free to download and use. And like most open source …

Tutorials for photoshop, webdesign, after effects, vector graphics, cg, audio and much more. Regularly updated, the tutorials are either on video or on well illustrated instructions. They are also in plain English. So whether you’re an expert or a novice, you’ll pick up some handy tips and tricks on this site. Visit

Site of the Year – Video Copilot

Without doubt the best website for anyone using or wishing to learn Adobe After Effects