More AI – Stable Diffusion

Another look at an AI generator. This time it’s the turn of Stable Diffusion.

Psycho The Clown is official

Great news – our nemesis has gone legit


Ever wondered how to isolate vocals from the music and vice-versa?

Twilight Movie Diary – E05

Recently got into a new site called Pinterest.

Latest from Wits End

Pre-production on the Twilight project has now taken half a year and may take another year or so at this rate. It’s slow but I’m learning so much. However, I am going to have to take some shortcuts, especially with the drawing, which ain’t necessarily a bad thing. Have found a new website called …

Greyscale Gorilla & C4 Cafe

A blog worthy of mention, Greyscale Gorilla This one covers all my favourite subjects on Post Production, namely After Effects, Cinema 4d, Photoshop and others. Some great video tutorials (video tutorials are always the best) and a competition called the 5 Second Project which is very entertaining, check out the superb entries, inspiring stuff. All …

Photoshop tutorials

This year I hope to be able to incorporate mattes into my videos, especially with the Twilight project. For this I realise I will need to swot up on Photoshop and what it can do. There are plenty of good sites such as psdtut+ which I’ve mentioned before on this blog. Here is another. Nothing …

Red Giant Software

Not only a great selection of post-production software and add-ons, the website also has a great selection of videos and tutorials on how to get the best out of these products. From Grading software with fabulous presets, to lens flares, text effects (including the ubiquitous Matrix generator), vintage effects, state of the art video noise …

Movie Poster Font

Give your movie poster a touch of class by using that font Hollywood uses on the base of all of its posters.Download it free from www.abstractfonts.comThe small credits “Directed By, Written By, Produced By” etc… are all achieved using one lowercase letter shortcuts. There are also extras like DVD and Caption logos and much more. …


Get visitors to your site to subscribe to your mailing list. This is a great and FREE site. Mailchimp is the answer to your mailing list needs. It can help you set up a variety of forms such as mailing lists or questionairres; it’ll help you customise these forms with your own design and provide the …

Creative Cow

This website is worth checking out. Click for more info

Site of the Year – Video Copilot

Without doubt the best website for anyone using or wishing to learn Adobe After Effects