Video Clip

New trailer
The newest trailer for The Twilight Ballrooms offers an intriguing glimpse into the unfolding storyline, hinting at the shadowy forces shaping its mysterious world.

Sneaky peek
For the 20th anniversary of this website, I’m pleased to give you a sneaky peek from the Twilight Ballrooms (or at least the pub near the Twilight)

More AI – Stable Diffusion
Another look at an AI generator. This time it’s the turn of Stable Diffusion.

Wireframe and why!
Working with a computer animated set can put a lot of strain on your computer. But there are workarounds.

Tranquility Showreel
“Tunnels & Spheres” – This year’s showreel, much of it courtesy of a lockdown and extra time on my hands. Everything here is by moi, including the music!

Movie Diary ep8
A demonstration on the wonders of stabilising footage from handheld cameras using motion tracking.

Stay Indoors: A Message from Twilight Ballrooms
An important message from the Twilight Ballrooms – released at the start of lockdown.

Test titles!
Latest entry from the Twilight Ballrooms Movie Diary. Find out why these titles got the boot!

Sneak preview
Introducing my latest character and protagonist in “The Curse Of The Twilight Ballrooms”

More exterior shots
The history and evolution of the Twilight Ballrooms. Another exciting episode from the movie diary

Four Men in a Pub – Twilight Movie Diary
Why I decided to play almost ALL the parts myself in a virtual enviroment.

New arrival
This short clip that I posted on Facebook seems to have gone down really well with the viewing public. Don’t know why? 😉

Post Office Tower Time Lapse
I do believe I put this time-lapse on Facebook but for some reason completely missed the blog, which T-Base fans, really won’t do!

Every great day has its end!
Check out my fantastic time-lapse of a sunset in the Maldives taken earlier this year. You can tell it’s on the equator by the fact that the sun sinks absolutely vertically.

New Pope elected – Exclusive!!
As excitement builds with the election of a new pope this week, Tranquility Base Presents exclusive behind the scenes footage of this historic moment.

Happy 10th Anniversary
Happy New Year, but also Happy Anniversary to this website – Tranquility Base Presents. Now 10 years old!

Time Flies!
Anyone who doesn’t know, my flat is undergoing extensive repairs since a flood last November… and yes, it’s STILL going on. So I’ve been quite preoccupied with that on what feels like a full-time basis. I’ve also been doing lots of web-design favours for friends. So what I’m saying is basically it’s been a while …

2011 – More than a dream!
I have been working hard, honest. The thing about pre-production and/or learning anything new is that at the end of the day, you don’t really have anything to show for it. Well, I thought I’d change that and have edited a quick montage of all tester clips and stuff generally marked on my hard-drives as …

My first cover version!
Check out this cover of the song I wrote for David Garland Jones! They’ve even written some new lyrics!

Another Vanishing Point experiment
Visited my dad today and was browsing some old photos. This one is of the road I grew up in, though taken long before I was born I might add. As way of demonstrating the effect to my dad I’ve had another go with this pic. It’s only rough and distortion is quite visible towards …

Vanishing Point
Experimented today with something called “Vanishing Point”. There is much you can do with this Photoshop filter which helps you edit a 2d photo in a 3d environment. One of the cool things is when you export it to After Effects. (Check out this tutorial from Andrew Kramer) By moving the virtual camera in the …

So the last few weeks have been a mixture of different Twilight related projects. Lots of 3d drawing, notably the top of the Twilight tower which has now been added to the Ballrooms. I have also been designing numerous posters from the Twilight’s history. I did something similar to decorate the set when we took …

Ray of Light (uncompleted)
Found this little gem from the Tranquility Base Archive. Kylie Vilcins plays “Adelaide” in the rather weird monologue shot around the same time as Starmaker (in which she can also be heard singing “I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts”) Although uncompleted, there is something appealing about the character. She reminds me of an Australian …

Softbox lighting
Bought 2x85W softbox lights and stands to use with my green screen from Amazon. There is a slight problem with fluorescent flicker but at the moment I’m putting that down to having a cheapo camera. It’s not too much of a problem at the moment anyhow as you can see in this demo below. The …

Old clips
Well, I have finally purchased dedicated web-space for this website and have spent most of the week moving files. Like any move you find items that you’d completely forgotten about. Here is one example, a trailer I did from 2006, to the Star Trek theme. Reminds me of the projects that were hot at the …

End of the World
Took a break from scriptwriting this afternoon and played with a picture I took (with just a camera-phone) last year whilst in the Big Apple. Would usually have just deleted an experiment like this but thought that now I’ve got a blog, I should post it. Principally Photoshop with a dash of After Effects to …

The Illuminati
Did this spoof trailer to take a break from web designing and also to revise what I’ve learnt so far with post-production. And also for a bit of fun! Thanks to everyone who was game for getting involved!

Luck of the Welsh!
Working very hard on a few things. Have been redesigning Richard Leigh’s False Impressions website and still, yes still, been working on the the new Twilight site. I’m very pleased with how its turned out and can’t wait to show it off, hopefully next month. And have purchased All in all a busy month. …

Happy New Year!
Have started learning the basics of 3ds Max and there’s still the new look Blender 2.5 Alpha version to learn. I’m in geek heaven. Production is currently underway also for another episode of Insomnia due in the Spring. I think its the best one yet and will be the first one in WideScreen. Widescreen is …