USFM – Hollywood

UPDATE: Owing to a change in international law, USFM Californian Coastline Radio can no longer be heard through Radionomy.

A statement from the station can be seen below.

“We’d like to apologies to all the millions and millions and millions of fans from around the world who listened to USFM online. Sadly, whilst we still broadcast from the Pacific Coast Towers in Hollywood, we are only available to FM listeners in a 100 mile radius of The Towers. We hope to be available again online once we have secured millions and millions and millions of dollars. Or found another site as good as Radionomy that can circumnavigate the new laws that are crippling our network. And we promise that fans of The Late Show with Jo Stone, SpaceNight, Breakfast with Tiffany and Cruisetime with Tom will hear their dulcet tones and classic tracks once more, along with news anchor Dale Dickberger with the latest headlines and Clement Front with the weather.
Stay tuned America and watch this space!”

USFM Californian CoastLine Radio